Sunday, July 27, 2008

Time to make the donuts

Time to make the donuts
Yesterday, the captain and our pilot decided that they had a hankering for donuts. So unbeknownst to us, the rerouted the ship early in the morning, put out a phone call and ordered for the entire ship! We weighed anchor, and lucky for us the film crew was privy to the plan so the went ashore to get the donuts, which were being made fresh by a woman, and her two daughters who come up to Alaska every summer to make donuts and coffee for the fisherman….let me just say that I have never had a yummier donut. And if that wasn’t enough, last night for dinner we had halibut. Halibut that the captain, the pilot, and one of our philipino staff guys went out and caught themselves. 70 lbs of it. I will never believe another “fresh fish” sign again because it doesn’t get any fresher than this! Oh, and to finish it all out, we stopped by a salmon processing boat, and we are having fresh salmon at an on deck BBQ tonight. Yum!

1 comment:

Jude said...

I've had microwave lasagna four times. When are you coming home?