Saturday, July 26, 2008

Whale Tail

A Whale Tail
I really can’t go on enough about whales right now. Yesterday, I saw about 7 humpback whales, as well as a fin whale, and some Dall porpoise. One of the humpbacks was up to some shenanigans, and entertained us for about a half hour, by Tail Lobbing. Basically, he was hanging out at the surface, blowing air, and taking over half of his backside out of the water and thrumming the surface with it. I can’t even fathom how they do this because anytime I get both hands up out of the water I sink. But , He or it could have been a she, I can’t really tell! He hit the water over and over with his tail, did a half belly flop, and then began to smack the surface with his fin. We were so close to all of this that we could hear him hitting the water. Nobody knows why they do this, but they think that maybe it’s a form of communication, or the whale is just having a bit of fun. Whatever it was, it was definitely one of the coolest things I’ve seen!

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