Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fur and Irony

I had another interesting NY moment the other day. While walking through the garment district, I noticed a sign in a window. "Dear smokers, the second hand smoke that comes thru our door is killing us... Please be considerate and don't smoke in front of our shop. Thank You"
Now the reason I found this to be ironic, is the fact that this sign is posted in the window of the Norhern Fur Ltd store. A Wholsale provider of fur goods, hats coats, stoles, basically things that people really shouldn't be wearing anymore. We now possess the technology to make clothing 100x warmer and fashion has provided us with beautiful alternatives to the real deal. But here, hundred of animals are still killed for no other reason other than having great hair. The workers are concerned about their inhallation of second hand smoke coming through their door. They continue to peddle these wares, most new, but some under the gentle guise of "antiques" or "slightly worn". These can't be bad, right, the animal died and was purchased awhile ago...but by purchasing it again ,it creates a continued demand for these pelts, creating a market for poachers. I find it also interesting that they are concerned with second hand smoke, but not concerned about the constant exposure to caustic chemicals that are used to preserve the furs, not to mention the old basement smell of slowly rotting leather inside the store. What are they thinking?

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