Well my day is far from finished but I figured, I would write this down while I had the chance. After a grueling day of travel yesterday , I awoke this morning ready for Alaska. The air is crisp and fresh here, and after a yummy smoked salmon breakfast, I took off for a walk. Well, I realized when I left the hotel that I should probably change my shoes, but I figured that I wouldn't go too far before getting a phone call that would reel me back in. But, as I progressed up the mountain, the hiking path grew steeper and steeper, and I was quite proud of my Teva flip flops for hanging in there, and when I realized that after only 20 minutes I was halfway to the top of the mountain, I figured why not?
Well, that changed a bit when I hit the mud, slipping and sliding up the path. I wondered if this was the point where I should turn around, due to my poor shoe choice. Then I turned around and saw, just how far I had come, and how trecherous it would be to attempt a decent of that slip and slide. Turning again, I saw that I had reached the snow line. Yes, Snow line. I would have to continue my flip flop journey in the snow. Temperature was no problem at this point, as I was dripping in sweat. Interestingly enough, admonishments that I have given in the past to friends who have braved the wild, ill prepared, flash through my mind, and I think, wow I'm the silly one now!
Onward through the snow, I realized the path was taking quite a steep turn, and the snow was a few inches deep, so I did what I had to, I dug in. I turned my feet to the side and pressed on, I was going to prove just what flip flops were for! After a few more turns, and a final steep climb, I reached the 2300 feet summit. I walked over to the lookout platform where all of the tourist who had taken the tram up where standing, turned around and smiled. Who needs a lift when I've got two good feet. (But I did take the free ride back down;)
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