The Beast was happy to get her wheels dirty
Day 1: Start off easy to shake off the dust from not riding this winter.
It's hard to get out on the trails of Ohio, when there are several inches on snow on it! This ride was great, just long enough to wear us out, but not beat us up. The problem was... too many hikers! They were everywhere clogging up the trails.
Day 2: AKA Harder and Higher. Find a trail that is steep, hard to walk on, and with exposed drop offs...then Ride it. Welcome to the Highline.
I don't have very many pictures of this because I was too busy riding, falling, or walking. Not always in that order. The challenge with this type of trail is that it isn't wide enough to walk, so it's usually better to stay in the saddle and tough it out. I even carried my bike through some of it.

View from Soldier's Pass Descent
Day 3: Quick and Dirty.
It was cold on day three, we even had snow flurries as we got our bikes and gear out of the car. WTH! This was our last day and we had to pack up the bikes and drive to Phoenix that night. So we rode some trails that were right down the street from our hotel, and it was Outstanding. A great mix of flowing trail and a little bit of challenging terrain. Perfect for the last day, as my out of shape backside can only stand so much abuse!

Throughout the weekend, it was interesting how many people were shocked as I came upon them, trying my best to keep up with the boys. My ponytail flying behind me as I rounded the bend. (Alright, it was Not flying. It was plastered with sweat against my neck, as I ground along at a Slightly faster pace than the hikers)
I heard lots of, "You go girl"and "I would never do that". But, the one that struck the hardest chord for me was from a girl in her twenties, "I want to try that some day". She sounded so wistful as she moved aside to let me pass. There is nothing holding you back but yourself. Just like any sport it takes time and will, and for me....lots of padding.