Friday, May 3, 2013

Flat Stanley Visit

Dear Abigayle,

       Thanks so much for letting me visit your friend Kelleigh. We had a great time. She travels alot for work so first we took a trip to Washington , D.C.

This is me in front of the Washington Monument. There was an earthquake about a year ago, and so they have to fix the monument. Otherwise, I would have tried to climb to the top!

Next I took a swim in the reflecting pool. At the end of the pool is the Lincoln Memorial.You see people in movies stomping around in here, but it turns out. You're not allowed to swim here!

I got a good scolding from the Ranger for it. He explained that the pool was for decoration, and not for swimming in!

 Next, we stopped in to see the Lincoln Memorial. He's really really tall, and he was super smart. He also had some really cool speeches that were on the wall, one of them was the Gettysburg Address. 

 Our next trip took us to San Antonio, Texas. It's quite famous for it's Riverfront walkway and there are alot of ducks here, so we took a chance and fed some. 

They were pretty excited and started to eat me along with the chips! It tickled when he pecked at my head. 

Next we went to the Alamo. It looks big in the movies, but it was kinda small. I also couldn't find a basement anywhere in that place. 

But I did see a really cool cannon.

And a tough looking officer. He wouldn't take a picture with me, so I photo bombed him :-)

Finally we stopped at the Mission San Jose,

A really nice volunteer showed us how to mill corn

He also taught me how the Native American's would make fire!

Here is how it was done. Thanks again for sending me on this fun trip, let me know if you have any questions about the really fun things that I got to do.

Sincerely, Your friend and creation,